Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I buy more Maps?

How do I see what area is covered by the 25k OS maps?

I cannot see any detailed maps when I zoom in

Will I be charged again if I re-download the app or an in-app map purchase?

Can I load the app and maps onto my iPad as well as my iPhone?

Why does the app not show my location?

What is the difference between OutDoors GB and OutDoors GB with National Parks?

How can I import my own tracks or routes?

How do I delete a route in my route list?

When trying to buy a map I get the error "You can't purchase this item with this account - you must purchase the app that this item is for before you can purchase the item"

How do I build a Route on the device?

How do I buy premium, trusted Routes?

How do I create a route on and download it to the app?

Nothing happens when I click to place track points using the online route builder?

How do I recover my Password.

Does OutDoors work with the iPad WiFi & iPod Touch ?

Where can I see Map Keys?

My battery drains faster when using the GPS.

My app is not starting up and/or is running slowly.

Do you recommend a case for using the app Outdoors?

Will the app work with a bluetooth GPS receiver?

What are the main features of an OS Explorer map?

What are the main features of an OS Landranger map?

How do I integrate my previously purchased standalone OS map apps into the OutDoors app?