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Title Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
CappSpireSpokeJul21 55.47 mi Other Jul 17, 2021 07:07
Jun 15, 2024 08:06
Kent byways trip with Keith 17/07/2021 18:25 11.16 mi walking Jul 17, 2021 06:07
Apr 22, 2022 09:04
Lakes Coach rd 111miles-2021-07-16 114.32 mi Other Jul 17, 2021 06:07
Sep 06, 2021 08:09
St Just 20.95 mi Other Jul 17, 2021 05:07
Jul 17, 2021 05:07
Country Walking Ludlow & Bromfield, Shropshire 6.53 mi Other Jul 17, 2021 05:07
May 02, 2024 06:05
St Andrews Park boundary 0.49 mi walking Jul 17, 2021 04:07
Oct 07, 2021 07:10
Bramley place boundary 0.50 mi walking Jul 17, 2021 04:07
Jul 17, 2021 04:07
C2C Stage 6: Keld to Richmond 21.48 mi walking Jul 17, 2021 03:07
Oct 01, 2021 09:10
Alastair Burgwin
JB Ashurst - Lyndhurst Loop-2018-02-27 13.71 mi Other Jul 17, 2021 03:07
Jul 17, 2021 03:07
C2C Stage 6: Kirkby Stephen to Keld 11.04 mi walking Jul 17, 2021 02:07
Aug 31, 2022 03:08
Alastair Burgwin