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Title Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
IdeHill 6.62 mi Other Feb 04, 2018 08:02
Jun 08, 2020 06:06
BoroughGreen 8.21 mi Other Feb 04, 2018 08:02
Sep 17, 2023 10:09
The Long Mynd - Carding Mill Valley and the Long Mynd 6.00 mi Other Feb 04, 2018 07:02
May 17, 2018 01:05
Linhope Spout 1.60 mi Other Feb 04, 2018 05:02
May 06, 2019 05:05
Lakes Eastern: (GW) Pooley Bridge to Aira Force 6.97 mi Hike Feb 03, 2018 10:02
Mar 18, 2019 02:03
Burrough Green and Kirtling Tower, Cambridgeshire 10.37 mi Other Feb 03, 2018 10:02
May 18, 2020 08:05
Ingleton waterfalls 3.95 mi Hike Feb 03, 2018 09:02
Jun 07, 2022 03:06
Paul E Lee
Ullock pike plan 5.16 mi Other Feb 03, 2018 08:02
May 10, 2018 01:05
Steve Monks
Dovedale,Halldale and Ilam 7.5 Miles-2015-04-26 8.35 mi Other Feb 03, 2018 07:02
Feb 03, 2018 08:02
Catbells & Maiden Moor 7.56 mi Other Feb 03, 2018 07:02
Dec 02, 2018 03:12