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Title Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
Lakes: Exploring Upper Kentmere AA walks 6.75 mi hiking Jun 25, 2017 06:06
Aug 05, 2021 07:08
Broadmoor_Leith Hill 6.4m 6.31 mi Other Jun 25, 2017 05:06
May 29, 2021 01:05
Brynfynon Arms 3.35 mi Other Jun 24, 2017 09:06
Mar 01, 2020 06:03
C2C Bikers Wednesday 34.21 mi Other Jun 24, 2017 08:06
Jun 02, 2024 03:06
Derwent Water - Watendlath - High Lodore - Round 8.27 mi Hike Jun 24, 2017 08:06
Sep 22, 2021 12:09
East Grinstead Night Training Walk-2014-02-25 18.86 mi Other Jun 24, 2017 08:06
Jun 24, 2017 08:06
Troutbeck tongue planned 7.43 mi Other Jun 24, 2017 07:06
Jun 24, 2017 07:06
Steve Monks
Race to the King 2017 - Day 2 29.79 mi Other Jun 24, 2017 07:06
Sep 17, 2023 12:09
East Grinstead Night training walk- Final - 24th of June 18.86 mi Other Jun 24, 2017 06:06
Jun 24, 2017 06:06
Hardwick_-_Ashbourne_100_V6 100.39 mi Road Bike Jun 24, 2017 06:06
Jul 08, 2021 04:07