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Title Location Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
Solva - newgale gpx GB 7.47 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 10:12
Apr 12, 2024 04:04
Gweek to Falmouth GB 11.85 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 09:12
Sep 13, 2024 02:09
Crispin Hughes
Porthallow to Gweek, Cornwall GB 11.87 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 09:12
Sep 17, 2023 08:09
Crispin Hughes
Thatcham to HillGreen GB 13.69 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 06:12
Feb 24, 2016 03:02
Sutton Maze GB 3.34 mi Gentle Walk Dec 03, 2014 04:12
Aug 29, 2024 08:08
ERDEVEN Les Megalithes 03/12/2014 FR 5.51 mi Gentle Walk Dec 03, 2014 03:12
Oct 13, 2023 02:10
dave1 GB 66.87 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 12:12
Mar 16, 2024 05:03
Penzance to Falmouth coast path GB 53.36 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 11:12
Sep 02, 2015 12:09
Crispin Hughes
NIDD VALLEY GB 5.69 mi Other Dec 03, 2014 09:12
Sep 16, 2023 08:09
Chippenham Station long GB 16.50 mi Road Bike Dec 03, 2014 09:12
Jun 14, 2015 02:06