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Title Location Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
MW_Yalding-Bedgebury-2Dec20 GB 33.84 mi Other Dec 01, 2020 06:12
Sep 17, 2023 07:09
Ibstone and Turville Heath GB 7.91 mi walking Dec 01, 2020 05:12
Dec 01, 2020 05:12
Yorkshire Dales: (GW) Burnsall Appletreewick Simons Seat Carncliff top circular. GB 12.03 mi hiking Dec 01, 2020 04:12
Sep 17, 2023 07:09
Moughton Crummack Dale route # GB 10.53 mi walking Dec 01, 2020 04:12
Mar 01, 2022 08:03
01/12/2020, Simonside circle GB 10.70 mi walking Dec 01, 2020 04:12
Dec 01, 2020 08:12
Marathon 5 GB 27.89 mi walking Dec 01, 2020 03:12
Sep 16, 2023 04:09
Hope Mansell to Wigpool GB 7.40 mi Other Dec 01, 2020 03:12
Dec 01, 2020 03:12
Foxylydiate GB 15.94 mi walking Dec 01, 2020 02:12
Sep 17, 2023 10:09
Chris Wooffindin
20201201 WWW White Ladies Aston GB 4.52 mi walking Dec 01, 2020 12:12
Dec 21, 2020 01:12
Kaw_stage_1_-_test_valley GB 24.81 mi Other Dec 01, 2020 10:12
Aug 31, 2022 04:08