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Title Location Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
Scafell langdale GB 11.95 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 10:07
Jul 13, 2016 10:07
Pete Langford
Lochc1 GB 0.51 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 09:07
May 02, 2020 04:05
NCOM Netherton Round 24/6/2016 GB 5.97 mi Hike Jul 13, 2016 09:07
Sep 17, 2023 06:09
John Queening
NCOM Kirkheaton Round 27/05/2016 GB 5.46 mi Hike Jul 13, 2016 08:07
May 10, 2024 01:05
John Queening
La Merletade FR 12.55 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 07:07
Oct 05, 2020 11:10
cheval blanc FR 10.15 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 07:07
Oct 06, 2018 01:10
20160713111235-93219-data FR 11.32 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 07:07
Jul 13, 2016 07:07
pedalnorth - kirkstone and shap GB 53.10 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 06:07
Jun 28, 2024 11:06
pedalnorth - windermere loop GB 38.44 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 05:07
Sep 17, 2023 05:09
pedalnorth - the struggle GB 37.63 mi Other Jul 13, 2016 05:07
Apr 27, 2018 07:04