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Morrone Glen Ey GPS

Uploaded by steel_14 on Aug 14, 2019
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Distance: 20.71km, 12.87 miles.   (3)

0mi1mi2mi3mi4mi5mi6mi7mi8mi9mi10mi11mi12miDistance (12.87mi)0ft656ft1312ft1969ft2625ft3281ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

06/09/17 Sandra & me 13.43 miles 749m ascent 2.7 m/h moving av 2.2 m/h overall av 5 hours moving 1 hour 15 stopped Deer, hares, grouse and Adder Left Stoney 8am Arrived 9.30am Started walking 9.40am Finished 3.45 pm then 10 mins coffee Home 5.30pm 5/7/15 Sandra,Richard,Fiona, &me Weather excellent Deer & Calfs Approx 100 in total & hares Left Stoney 8am Started walking 9.30am Finished 4.15pm Home 5.45pm 13.49 miles 749m ascent 2.6 m/h moving av 2.0 m/h overall av 5 hrs 10 moving 1 hour 30 stopped Stopped at 5 cairns for coffee 11am Parking in parking layby. Enough space for numerour cars. more parking space across the road. Go thro' gate and take laft hand path. At the next junction take the right hand path to the loch and take path round the loch to join main path. Go through gate and continue on to view point which is just off the path to the left & signposted. Take the right hand path up to Morrone. Continue on this path and where the path starts to veer eastwards at 131 875 take the small track off to Carn na Drochaide. Once the cairn on the left is reached (at the highest point) veer off this track and looking for animal tracks (slightly to the left of the ridge) follow cairns (some large and some small) and head to Carn na droichaide and continue in a Westerly direction. On reaching the cairn at 115 861 pass to the left of the cairn and continue in a W direction head straight to pick up a grouse butt, and then another grouse butt and a double path. Continue on the double path all the way to Glen Ey. You can stay on it as it goes round the ruins and then the stream needs crossing. On this occasion we headed slightly upstream. it should be possible to cross OK. Continue to the houses at 880 890 and go thro the woods to meet the road and back to the car park and home.

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