Rajal of Saploum - Ste Eulalie Cernon
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on Nov 17, 2010
Region: France
Route type: Other
Total climb:
790.68 ft
Distance: 5.39km, 3.35 miles.
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About trip
"Yellow markings, be attentive to the markup for the yellow marks are worn by time. Provide a lamp for a 30m tunnel under the railway. Magnificent views and payasage ruiniform pleasant. From the fountain, go to the grocery store up the street from the chapel. Continue the path, passing a stone cross on the left and a barn on the left. Take the path right arrow. A t the time, climbing a hill on the left. This coast is indicated by an arrow that rotates and can indicate the wrong direction. Follow the path through the bushes. Normallment you reach a tunnel 30 m, beware of stones on the ground. After the tunnel, turn right as indicated by the arrow ""Saplum"" Go through the hollow to go to the peak cougouille northwest. At the top, you should see three panels: ""Saplum"" where we took the way, ""Pierre planted"" on the left and ""Ste eulalie"" right. Admiring the view at sunset. Get right. By observing the tags right, you reach a bridge over the railroad track-bike. Continue the path down the road of no jaux Viala."