Lacapelle Balaguier
Uploaded by
on Nov 17, 2010
Region: France
Route type: Other
Total climb:
1,046.59 ft
Distance: 13.99km, 8.69 miles.
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About trip
Circuit which presents no difficulty and can be done on a small day, taking time to admire the magnificent farms typical of Causse Limogne. The tour is done by taking the left branch in the hamlet of La Coste. In Bournac, the cross, beautiful views of the mesa and into the valley of the Lot. Palaille after the path curves around a beautiful sinkhole before descending into a valley as we go. Take a right little valley that dates back to Lacapelle Balaguier. Admire the vegetation: wild garlic, salomon seal, lily martagon etc. .... On top of the cross Templar deserve observed carved out its details.