Optimised Asthall Loop - significant off road sections
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on Jun 02, 2020
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: cycling
Distance: 77.51km, 48.16 miles.
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Very picturesque rural route for a Cotswold adventure:
Three lengthy off road sections:
Duxford Ford - easy riding gated bridleway but Ford no good if river high!
(avoid by taking Tadpole bridge)
Before South Leigh to Eynsham (section of NCR 57)
Quite bumpy across fields. Muddy if wet.
(Avoid by taking turning for Freeland before Barnard Gate (narrow busy rd section) and then to cross A40 at Evenlode Pub or continuing past South Leigh taking left to Eynsham rd and into Eynsham from south (Narrow busy road section)
Thames Tow Path Swinford to Kings Lock - quite long and bumpy and not good if wet or flooded.
(avoid by going up Tumbledown Hill - Farmoor to Cumnor - straight to Botley is bike dangerous road).
Route circles Bampton and also Finstock in favour of even more minor roads but these are also nice and have good pubs.