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Uploaded by timboden on Mar 26, 2013
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 1,805.48 ft
Distance: 18.64km, 11.58 miles.   (4)

About trip

Pick a good day to be well-rewarded by the beauty of this outing in the north Herefordshire countryside. As this county is one of the least populated areas of England, you could have the place to yourself. This route has a distinct serenity about it, making its way through the plantations of Shobdon Hill Wood down to the farm at Covenhope, then over the hill to the secluded Aymestrey where there’s a great pub. You follow the pretty River Lugg and take in open country where grand southern vistas greet the eye. You could extend the walk from Shobdon village by another three kilometres taking in the old Court, but note that the village is restricted to ‘residents only’ parking, so it’s much better to start from near Uphampton where there is an open common. The Riverside Inn, Aymestrey. Tel. (01568) 708440

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