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Dolforwyn Castle - Mid Wales

Uploaded by PeterHadfield on Sep 05, 2020
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: hiking Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 6.22km, 3.86 miles.   (0)

About trip

This was a pleasant walk with lots of variety. There is a small car park for three or four vehicles at the start of the path that leads up to the castle; spend a little time exploring the ruins before following the path down the hill. It gets a little steep towards the lower part of this path. Take great care in wet weather or if the underfoot conditions are damp.

Signposting is a bit random and some of the tracks are not clear. In the western part, after about a mile and coming off the hill towards the road, what seems to have been a gate or stile has been replaced with an ad hoc piece of metal fence that you will need to climb to get onto the road (B4389).

From here you take the towpath of the Montgomery canal and this is a picturesque mile or so with a couple of photogenic locks.

When you reach the minor road below the castle hill you could extend your walk by following footpaths to the north of the road that loop around and over the hill to take you back to the entrance of the castle. We simply returned along the road to our car.

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