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4.4km walking - Robin Hood's Bay

Uploaded by Bridgeblox on Oct 26, 2020
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking
Distance: 4.35km, 2.70 miles.   (0)

About trip

Time: 2 Hours Terrain: Moderate Description: Ever since people have lived in Robin Hood's Bay, they have had the sea as both friend and foe. Fishing as a full time occupation is a shadow of its former self, when every able-bodied man in this village earned his living from the sea. Open to the ravages of storm-pressed seas, the coast has seen many tragedies, but none more horrific than the wrecking of the hospital ship Rohilla in 1914, which ran aground between Whitby and Robin Hood's Bay. As well as shipwrecks, houses have been known to disappear during storms when the soft boulder clay of the cliffs is undermined by wave action. Expensive sea defense schemes can only hope to hold back the remorseless attack of the waves for a comparatively short time.

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