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Bellingham Waterfalls

Uploaded by The Great OutDoors on Jan 22, 2014
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Hike
Total climb: 373.49 ft Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 4.21km, 2.61 miles.   (4)

About trip

A walk through ancient woodland to a ‘magical’ waterfall. Further on the footpath is Hareshaw Linn waterfall. Wander down to the waterfall, but take care.The depth and dampness give the feel of an ancient rainforest - ideal conditions for the 300 species of mosses, liverworts and lichens that thrive here

Bellingham has its roots in the 12th century when St Cuthbert’s Church was first consecrated. But its heyday was in the 19th century as a centre for iron. Hareshaw Linn was the site of two blast furnaces established in 1838 by Messrs Bigge and Partners. At the peak of its operation it also contained 70  coke ovens, 24 large roasting kilns for calcining the iron ore, a range of coal stores, a blacksmith’s shop, wagon shed, stables and stores.The iron works were in continuous production until 1848, and were maintained by the Union Bank of Newcastle-upon-Tyne for another ten years waiting for the arrival of the Borders Railway. By the time the railway arrived, the bank was in financial difficulties and the limitations imposed by local sources of supply resulted in the iron works being auctioned and many of the buildings demolished.


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