Pendle long TT
Uploaded by
mark midgley
on Apr 18, 2014
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: Run
Total climb:
2,350.49 ft
Distance: 13.31km, 8.27 miles.
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About trip
Route Description
Take path branching leftwards from layby next to cattle grid and climb to Apronful Hill (CP1). Descend directly to footbridge near Howcroft Barn (CP2) - choice of paths. Route Choice: The facing slope has a lot of bracken. A direct climb is possible early in the year but otherwise, outflank the bracken to the N and then climb straight up to Judith’s Cairn, or follow paths up S side of Ashendean Clough then take main path up to the cairn (CP3). Turn NE and follow path initially along wall side then cross broken wall and pick up a good trod (Tour of Pendle Route) down to bottom of Mearley Clough (CP4). Climb steeply up to Scout Cairn (CP5), and continue past “bus shelter”, to cross wall stile and take LH path along escarpment edge. Look out for trod branching L and follow this down and around N flank of fell to “grassy knoll” (CP 6) – Tour of Pendle checkpoint 9. Route Choice: climb the face of the Big End (various lines are possible) to reach the stone stile in the ridge wall (CP7). Cross stile and descend built stone path to wall corner above Pendle House (CP8). Now take broad track climbing steadily across E slope of Pendle to meet main path coming up from Buttock. Turn L and descend slightly to Deep Clough Spring (CP9). From here, take a beeline across open fell (no path) to reach Bill’s Stone (CP10). Route Choice: You could now go up “Ski Sunday” and over Spence Moor, or up Ogden Clough and onto the main path to Black Hill. Next objective is Badger Wells Hill (CP11). Pass close to Badger Wells and take any route you like (there’s a choice of paths) to finish at cattle grid on Sabden road.
NB: All fences/walls must be crossed via gates or stiles – no fence/wall climbing allowed.
Checkpoint Grid Refs:
Cattle Grid (GR.773383)
Cattle Grid (GR.773383).
Can be done in either direction)
Rules of Engagement.
Times can be set anytime but in Summer the Pendle Tuesday runs are preferred, both for safety and social reasons.
Times must be reported to the keeper of leagues (AW) within one day.
You must start from the gate next to the cattle grid.
You must visit all the Checkpoints in order
At the finish you must touch the gate by the cattle grid.
Time categories:
See the Speed League
NB: These individual timed challenges are attempted at the challenger’s own risk. It is recommended that you are sufficiently experienced & equipped and that you tell someone you are out there!