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Moor and Leven Valley Walk (Western End)

Uploaded by John McAra on May 22, 2021
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 14.71km, 9.14 miles.   (1)

About trip

Walk based on the western elements of  the longer Vale of Leven loop route.

On leaving the station, cross the car park at Lomond Shores and commence climbing the hill past Tullichewan farm on the signposted LDWR for the "Three Lochs/John Muir Ways". This continues upwards for approx 2.5 miles.

On reaching the crossing stone (just before the forestry) at the top of the hill, ignore on the onward path to Helensburgh and take the fainter path to the left, running along the field boundary over the Tullichewan and Overton Muirs. The initial 500 metres or so can be boggy, but as the route climbs toward a trig point the grass path clears.

From there, follow the path gradually downwards towards Carman Rd, which must be negotiated carefully for about 100 metres, before branching off through the signposted forest paths to circle Carman reservoir and then descending into Renton.

Once in Renton, cross the dual carriageway using the overhead bridge and head to the river Leven walkway. THe route then continues for 2.5 miles along this back  into Balloch

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