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Alwen Reservoir - North Wales

Uploaded by PeterHadfield on Jul 29, 2021
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: hiking Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 10.47km, 6.51 miles.   (0)

About trip

We changed our plans for a walk on the hottest day of the year to this less demanding walk. We hoped it would be in the shade of the forest but forestry clearance on the western side meant that the track was exposed for long sections; the best laid plans! we walked this clockwise, crossing the dam from the car park indicated by the what3words address. Virtually all of this walk is on gravel paths or forestry roads and shared with mountain bikers. Lovely views as you climb out of the forest and onto the hills and the return path on the reservoir’s eastern side is through woodland. An easy walk with some fabulous views.

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