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Uploaded by lmb15969 on Sep 22, 2015
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Distance: 17.17km, 10.67 miles.   (0)

About trip

Northern Scotland might not be the fi rst place that springs to mind when you are craving a dose of sun-soaked hill heaven. In fact it is possibly way down there at the bottom of the list, perhaps alongside Iceland, Norway or Patagonia. To a certain extent you may be correct, but if you actually study the statistics you will fi nd a surprisingly low level of rainfall combined with a moderate spattering of sunshine. It actually sees far less rain and far more sun in fact than walking wet spots such as Knoydart and parts of the Lakes. This far-fl ung bit of hill-walking paradise may not be able to compete with the Sierra Nevada or the Dolomites in the sunburn stakes, but you won't need to run the gauntlet with your favourite budget airline to visit it! Viewed from the sandy plains surrounding the Kyle of Tongue on the bleak north coast of Scotland, Ben Loyal presents an imposing outline, rising like a vast granite castle from the moors. Technically the main summit is readily accessible, despite a fearsome appearance when viewed from the moors to the north. This is the best approach and a round of the tops of Ben Loyal is a truly unforgettable day out (even more so should the sun shine!). Distance 17km (101/2 miles) Total ascent 850m Time 6 hours Start/finish Ribigil, NC584546 Nearest town Tongue Terrain tracks, hill paths, featureless mountain plateau, narrow ridges, easy scrambling steep grassy slopes Maps OS Landranger (1:50,000) 10; OS Explorer (1:25,000) 447, 448 Accommodation Tongue Youth Hostel - tel 0870 155 3255; Tongue Hotel - tel. (01847) 611206; Ben Loyal Hotel - tel. (01847) 611216 Public transport none Guidebooks The Corbetts and other Hills ed Milne & Brown, pb SMC Tourist info Bettyhill - tel. (01641) 521342 Best pub The Brass Tap Bar, Tongue Hotel Nearest Cotswold store Aberdeen Please refer to the attached PDF document for directions and a detailed trail description. From Trail magazine, to subscribe visit www.GreatMagazines.co.uk/Trail © Copyright Bauer Media Limited 2011. All rights reserved. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure these walks are safe and correctly described. However things do change and all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk. The publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any injuries or accidents that occur whilst following this walk.

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