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Uploaded by lmb15969 on Sep 22, 2015
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Distance: 10.66km, 6.62 miles.   (0)

About trip

Distance 11km (6 ¾ miles) Total ascent 915m Time 4-5 hours Difficulty easy Terrain high-level mountain walk on broad rolling ridges, with some exposed scrambling required during the descent (but this can be bypassed by following a steep gully). Many walkers return by the route of ascent to avoid this scramble Area Sutherland Nearest Town Durness Start GridRef NC462476 GPS Route Name TR431 Map Information OS Landranger (1:50,000) 9 Public Transport railway station at Lairg and Thurso, with bus services to Tongue, and post bus services extending to the start of this walk from Lairg. Post bus details - tel. (0131) 550 8232. Highlands and Islands Public Transport Guides are available by mail order - tel. (01463) 702695 TRAIL Routes ID 431 TRAIL Mag Route 10, September 2001 Please refer to the attached PDF document for directions and a detailed trail description. From Trail magazine, to subscribe visit www.GreatMagazines.co.uk/Trail © Copyright Bauer Media Limited 2011. All rights reserved. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure these walks are safe and correctly described. However things do change and all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk. The publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any injuries or accidents that occur whilst following this walk.

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