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North Bodmin Moor Tor Bagging

Uploaded by trailtom on Oct 23, 2015
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 2,758.04 ft
Distance: 32.53km, 20.21 miles.   (2)

About trip

Notes on provisional route

  • First ascent of Brown Willy (for fun) and to take a SW/S line to Butter's Tor to try and avoid bogs (reports suggest this can get very wet)
  • Skipped Carkees Tor, Carbilly and Hawks Tor (bit too out of the way especially staying on open access land)
  • Skipped Trekinnick Tor and Trewint Tor as no easy route across river from Bray Down without taking the road / ford. Chose Leskernick instead with some interesting ancient settlements on south side.

North Bodmin Tors:

  1. Tolborough Tor
  2. Catshole Tor
  3. Codda Tor
  4. (Brown Willy South)
  5. Butter's Tor
  6. Garrow Tor
  7. Alex Tor (via King Arthur's Hall)
  8. Louden Hill (via Stannon Stone Circle)
  9. Rough Tor
  10. Little Rough Tor
  11. Showery Tor
  12. Brown Willy
  13. Maiden Tor
  14. (Buttern Hill)
  15. Bray Down *
  16. Leskernick Hill *
  17. The Beacon *

15, 16, 17 not officially Tors but see: http://www.photofilecornwall.co.uk/cornwall_bodminmoor/moortors/

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