North Bodmin Moor Tor Bagging
Uploaded by
on Oct 23, 2015
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: Other
Total climb:
2,758.04 ft
Distance: 32.53km, 20.21 miles.
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About trip
Notes on provisional route
- First ascent of Brown Willy (for fun) and to take a SW/S line to Butter's Tor to try and avoid bogs (reports suggest this can get very wet)
- Skipped Carkees Tor, Carbilly and Hawks Tor (bit too out of the way especially staying on open access land)
- Skipped Trekinnick Tor and Trewint Tor as no easy route across river from Bray Down without taking the road / ford. Chose Leskernick instead with some interesting ancient settlements on south side.
North Bodmin Tors:
- Tolborough Tor
- Catshole Tor
- Codda Tor
- (Brown Willy South)
- Butter's Tor
- Garrow Tor
- Alex Tor (via King Arthur's Hall)
- Louden Hill (via Stannon Stone Circle)
- Rough Tor
- Little Rough Tor
- Showery Tor
- Brown Willy
- Maiden Tor
- (Buttern Hill)
- Bray Down *
- Leskernick Hill *
- The Beacon *
15, 16, 17 not officially Tors but see: