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Burrow Mump - Somerset

Uploaded by PeterHadfield on Feb 16, 2017
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 8.48km, 5.27 miles.   (5)

About trip

Burrow Mump: Glastonbury Tor’s love child? There’s a car park next to the hill, just off the A361.

A peaceful, circular walk on the Somerset Levels. The hill is an important historical site and has been known as Alfred’s Fort. There is no evidence linking King Alfred to the site although it was owned by Athelney Abbey to which it was linked by a causeway. A ruined church now stands at the top of the hill making this a very photogenic site.

The walk is obviously level, apart from the Mump itself. On the opposite side of the Mump from the car park is a pub; handy for a refreshing drink after the walk, perhaps. Can be very muddy in places.

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