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Loch Assynt, Sutherland

Uploaded by a.d.clarke on May 11, 2017
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Distance: 0.32km, 0.20 miles.   (3)

0mi0.02mi0.04mi0.06mi0.08mi0.1mi0.12mi0.14mi0.16mi0.18mi0.2miDistance (0.20mi)0ft66ft131ft197ft262ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

Set up camp on one of the grassy promontories overlooking enchanting ruins at the east end of Loch Assynt. Built by the MacLeods, Ardvreck castle dates back to the 16th century and local legend has it that the loch itself is home to the elusive “Mermaid of Assynt”, the MacLeods’ lost daughter Eimhir. It is said that in exchange for help building the castle the MacLeods pledged Eimhir to the Clootie (devil), and so in hiding from him she dived into the loch and began living underwater. 
 On the A837 north from Inchnadamph (IV27 4HN) park at a car park after 1½ miles, on the east shore of Loch Assynt. Walking time from vehicle: 10 mins.

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