Priston Circular Final
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on Jan 28, 2024
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: Other
Distance: 12.15km, 7.55 miles.
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About trip
Priston – Through pleasant gentle hill country, following for the most part the boundary lines of Priston. Taking in an Iron Age fort, the Old Salt Road, and Priston Mill. Distance: 7 miles approx Start Point: Priston Village Centre, on street parking near Ring-o-Bells pub. Adequate parking around the village green, but best to car share. Approx 1 hour from Mark. Nearest postcode BA2 9EE, Grid Ref ST 694605, OS Map 155 Taken from ‘Adventerous Pub Walks in Somerset – P119, Walk 19. Route is as per the narrative, until Step 7. When we now go straight across to Stanton Prior, then right thru the village and right down to Pendown Hill then left heading for Priston Mill. Basically missing out Wilmington, due to impassable gates & stiles and potential muddy fields that have been ploughed. Coffee between Tunley Farm & Northfield. Lunch at Stanton Prior Church. I medium hill.