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PB24 Marloes to St. Martin's Haven

Uploaded by timomaple on Jul 14, 2024
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking
Total climb: 174.28 ft
Distance: 2.99km, 1.86 miles.   (0)

About trip

Lucy walk: Park at Marloes National Trust car park. Walk down towards lively cafe called Runways Kiln, keep walking, past very useful toilets and smother 50metres or so, turn left along a footpath that takes you through 2 fields and then you hit coast path. Turn right and walk. You can go as far as St Martin’s Haven or further to an extra section around the old deer park. From here you get amazing views of Skomer, porpoise, seals etc. On return you can retrace your steps or there is an inland alternative

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