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Bigbury-on-Sea/Bigbury/Ringwood - Devon

Uploaded by PeterHadfield on Apr 17, 2019
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 11.56km, 7.19 miles.   (0)

About trip

We completed this walk starting and finishing at the Pilchard Inn on Burgh Island. Note that there is no parking on the island but there is a big car park on the mainland beside the causeway. There are a couple of steepish hills, particularly on the landward sections (for example, if you are walking anti-clockwise, the section from the Bantham ferry). If the ferry is running there’s a good pub over the estuary in Bantham (the Sloop) for lunch and another in Ringmore (the Journey’s End) that’s also worth a visit.

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