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Wirrens Clash of Fr Lethnot GPS

Uploaded by steel_14 on Jun 23, 2019
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Distance: 16.98km, 10.55 miles.   (3)

0mi1mi2mi3mi4mi5mi6mi7mi8mi9mi10miDistance (10.55mi)0ft656ft1312ft1969ft2625ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

09/09/2018 Sandra, Sue, Richard, Lindsay and me 11.02 miles 772m 2.3 m/h 1.7 m/h 4 hrs 48 moving 1 hr 34 stopped Left Stoney 8am Started walking 9:15 Finished 15:37 Home 16:55 Don't take the route with no path!!! 01/02/2017 Sandra and me Left stoney 8.45am started walking 9.45am Finished 3.15pm Home 4.15pm 10.96 miles 767m ascent 2.5 m/h moving 2.0 m/h overall 4 hrs 20 moving 1 hr 10 stopped Very misty and foggy. Lovely walk. Lots and lots of paths. Very good landrover paths all the way. Parked at the gate at Auchowrie (enough space for a few cars) and walked up the path, through the field and up the path to join the main land rover path. This route slightly easier than parking at Tillybardine. Take the path up and go through the 2nd gate and cross onto the path at the other side . Continue on all the way over the West Wirren, Hill of Wirren and down to the path coming off the main path at 52832 76435. Take this path westerly and cross the stream at Burn of Keenie. Socks and boots off!!! from here there is a very steep up. It should be possible to cross Burn of Berryhill without taking boots off. Continue on and pick up the Clash of Wirren path. From the stream look out for the cairn and pick up the path and follow it all the back to main path. Lovely walk, great views. Mount Keen, Battcok and Clachnaben, plus many, many more. If doing this in reverse look for the lower grouse butt, and head off the path at 49166 73282 just where the path turns the corner, to the butt, and The Clash of the Wirren path comes in just on top of this Grouse Butt. 23/03/16 from Tillybardine Sandra & me Weather dry Excellent walk 10.09 miles 746m ascent 2.5 m/h moving av 2.0 m/h overall av 4 hr 05 mins moving 55 mins stopped Left Stoney 8.30am Started walking 9.30am Finished 2.30pm Home Stoney 3.30pm Lovely walk. Lots and lots of paths. Very good landrover paths all the way, except from the cairn to the telegraph pole, which is a very nice small path. Park the car at Tillybardine. Enough space for 3 cars. Climb over the wooden fence just after the bridge. Head for the Telegraph pole and continue over the small rough double track on to the main path. If doing this in reverse look for the lower grouse butt, and head off the path at 49166 73282 just where the path turns the corner, to the butt, and The Clash of the Wirren path comes in just on top of this Grouse Butt. For today take the path up all the way until the gate and cross onto the path at the other side. Continue on all the way over the West Wirren, Hill of Wirren and down to the path coming off the main path at 52832 76435. Take this path westerly and cross the stream at Burn of Keenie. Socks and boots off!!! Continue on and pick up the Clash of Wirren path. From the stream look out for the cairn and pick up the path and follow it all the back to main path. Lovely walk, great views. Mount Keen, Battcok and Clachnaben, plus many, many more.

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