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Title Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
Dovestone Rocks 12.08 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 12:06
Jan 21, 2015 08:01
Dave Cash
Scorrybreac 1.89 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 11:06
Sep 16, 2023 04:09
2014WiggleDragonRideGranFondoRoute 137.75 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 09:06
Feb 21, 2016 11:02
Little Whernside, Dead Man's Hill and Great Haw 10.37 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 08:06
Aug 22, 2021 03:08
Dave Cash
Activity_324797067 5.48 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 07:06
Sep 02, 2015 01:09
Tissington Trail 2.92 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 07:06
Jun 05, 2014 07:06
Tissington Trail 9.33 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 06:06
Sep 16, 2023 10:09
Ashbourne to Tissington circular route 10.27 mi Hike Jun 05, 2014 06:06
Sep 18, 2014 09:09
CW07 Thor's Cave & The Manifold Valley 5.16 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 06:06
Sep 01, 2015 11:09
Manifold Way 7.98 mi Other Jun 05, 2014 06:06
May 18, 2022 05:05