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Title Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
The Chiltern Way (longest) 196.91 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 04:06
Mar 20, 2021 07:03
Donald Leslie
wendover woods 9.5 9.52 mi walking Jun 29, 2020 03:06
Jun 29, 2020 03:06
wendover woods 9.5 9.52 mi walking Jun 29, 2020 03:06
Jun 17, 2024 05:06
29/06/2020, 10:54:36 BOLAM CIRCLE 10.19 mi walking Jun 29, 2020 03:06
Jan 29, 2022 06:01
UTS-100 60.13 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 02:06
Jul 13, 2020 06:07
South Downs Way gpx 99.10 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 02:06
Sep 17, 2023 06:09
Beachy Head Marathon 25.79 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 02:06
Sep 16, 2023 03:09
Route (3) 38.11 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Aug 12, 2021 02:08
glen w
Bikefest Saturday Gravel Ride 37.54 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Sep 16, 2023 03:09
glen w
Vereley-Smugglers 2.79 mi walking Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Jul 09, 2020 06:07
Bikefest Sunday Gravel Ride 37.54 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Jun 29, 2020 01:06
glen w
Bikefest Saturday Gravel Ride 37.54 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Sep 16, 2023 03:09
glen w
Vereley-Smugglers 2.79 mi walking Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Jun 29, 2020 01:06
2 Beinn-leoid 9.58 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 01:06
Jul 03, 2022 02:07
Big Shiv
Alpkit long route 33.76 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 12:06
Jun 29, 2020 12:06
glen w
Aonachmor 9.96 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 12:06
Mar 12, 2021 03:03
Slow_tired_but_fun_lap_of_the_forest 16.93 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 12:06
Jun 01, 2024 08:06
glen w
Morning_Ride (8) 32.75 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 12:06
Sep 16, 2023 08:09
glen w
Millers Dale and Wormhill 4.37 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 11:06
Sep 05, 2021 02:09
Millers Dale and Wormhill 4.37 mi Other Jun 29, 2020 11:06
Jun 29, 2020 11:06