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Title Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
Friday 27th April from Langham Hotel to Pitstone 37.00 mi Other Apr 23, 2012 04:04
Feb 16, 2016 07:02
Thursday 26th April from Vic Bikers Pub to Langham Hotel 43.79 mi Other Apr 23, 2012 04:04
Jan 17, 2022 03:01
Pen-Y-Fan Horseshoe 21/04/2012 8.38 mi Other Apr 23, 2012 02:04
Sep 08, 2015 08:09
Dedham Vale - Short 17.03 mi Other Apr 23, 2012 01:04
Sep 17, 2023 12:09
Wed 25th April from Waterloo Inn, Biggin to Vic Bikers Pub, Coalville 43.67 mi Other Apr 23, 2012 01:04
Sep 07, 2015 06:09
Walking through Beaudesert and up kitbag hill. 6.88 mi Other Apr 23, 2012 01:04
Aug 26, 2019 02:08
22/04/2012 19:11:48 2.42 mi Other Apr 22, 2012 02:04
Nov 21, 2014 04:11
Oberstdorf / Nebelhornbahn - Prinz Luipold Haus 6.44 mi Other Apr 22, 2012 01:04
Jun 01, 2024 05:06
Fast trip 4.58 mi Other Apr 22, 2012 12:04
Nov 19, 2021 05:11
20120422 Midhurst West Sussex, Cowdray ruins 22/04/2012 11:11:40 6.01 mi Other Apr 22, 2012 11:04
Sep 16, 2023 10:09
Stile Council