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Title Location Distance Route Type Created / Updated Author
MeadowWent15 GB 14.82 mi cycling Apr 24, 2020 08:04
Jun 29, 2021 12:06
Home To Lynseys and back via Hollin Hill Grips GB 8.76 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 09:04
Jun 10, 2024 12:06
Eversdens ride and walk 23/04/2020 GB 34.94 mi cycling Apr 23, 2020 05:04
Apr 24, 2020 12:04
Barston Lane Round Trip GB 2.92 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 03:04
Feb 28, 2022 09:02
Cramlington Nature Reserve GB 5.55 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 03:04
Jun 01, 2021 04:06
Hull to Beverley Cycle GB 12.41 mi Other Apr 23, 2020 03:04
Apr 23, 2020 03:04
200424_Riverside GB 3.88 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 01:04
Jun 15, 2020 02:06
200423_BB2 GB 2.30 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 01:04
Feb 14, 2021 07:02
Cycle loop - poynings - fulking - upper beeding - Shoreham GB 21.37 mi cycling Apr 23, 2020 12:04
Jul 02, 2020 02:07
Lancashire: (GW) Southfield Colne water Laneshawbridge, Wycoller Coldwell circular GB 11.60 mi hiking Apr 23, 2020 12:04
Mar 01, 2022 08:03
North Righton Circular GB 7.96 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 10:04
Sep 17, 2023 12:09
Laurie Lee Way GB 5.18 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 09:04
Apr 23, 2020 09:04
will Newell
Capital Ring GB 77.04 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 09:04
Oct 18, 2020 11:10
Marlborough, West Wood (for bluebells) and Savernake GB 11.17 mi Other Apr 23, 2020 07:04
Apr 24, 2020 03:04
Luddenden Foot Walk GB 8.03 mi walking Apr 23, 2020 07:04
May 05, 2022 11:05
P Love
Todays Corona Walk 22 April 2020 GB 15.63 mi walking Apr 22, 2020 07:04
Apr 22, 2020 07:04
Husky Steve
LennyHill10 GB 10.60 mi walking Apr 22, 2020 07:04
May 06, 2022 09:05
Guildford to Dorking GB 17.18 mi Other Apr 22, 2020 05:04
Apr 22, 2020 06:04
Woodbury bridleway lower fields GB 3.31 mi walking Apr 22, 2020 05:04
Apr 22, 2020 05:04
Colney Heath Test GB 2.26 mi walking Apr 22, 2020 04:04
Jul 21, 2020 11:07