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Flüglinger Berg (Schloßbuck) bei Weimersheim (WUG)

Uploaded by ErikWeingart on Nov 17, 2010
Region: Germany

Route type: Other
Total climb: 442.91 ft
Distance: 5.07km, 3.15 miles.   (49)

0mi0.25mi0.5mi0.75mi1mi1.25mi1.5mi1.75mi2mi2.25mi2.5mi2.75mi3miDistance (3.15mi)0ft328ft656ft984ft1312ft1640ft1969ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

"Unmarked trail to the Burgstall the ""Novum Castrum"" The best way to his car parked in the center of Weimer home, near the church in a small pond, or at the foot of the mountain Flüglinger. A little crispy on the rise ""Schloßbuck brings us past old apple trees and beautiful views to Weissenburg, camp Wülzburg, tube hill and many more, up to the Postal, an ancient plant from the 13 Century. Here lived ""by Flüglingen,"" as they called themselves. Mid-15th Century of fire in the plant and then the remains were used as a quarry by the population. On the way you pass rectangular fort, with the three, only the first two are easy on the left side of the road to recognize. At the end of the mountain plateau, just before the descent, we can see another wall. This is the oldest part of these plants here on the mountain Flüglinger (from the 7th century) come from the forest, in good weather a wonderful view towards Weißenburg. A bench invites you to a short rest. Past the apple trees and a further seating area, we come to cross the street and this. It is now over open terrain by a natural monument high on the ""Sophie height. Here we see again a bench and now have an almost panoramic view."

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