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Schloß Raesfeld und der Tiergarten

Uploaded by ErikWeingart on Nov 17, 2010
Region: Germany

Route type: Other
Total climb: 216.54 ft
Distance: 6.02km, 3.74 miles.   (52)

0mi0.25mi0.5mi0.75mi1mi1.25mi1.5mi1.75mi2mi2.25mi2.5mi2.75mi3mi3.25mi3.5mi3.75miDistance (3.74mi)0ft66ft131ft197ft262ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

"From the parking lot, we hike west through the so-called ""freedom"", freedom of the castle with the beautiful old building stock. The people living there were free to lock men's times, ie not subject to the bondage, hand and clamping services. Right hand is now the Castle chapel with the ""Leaden heart"" of a Count of Velen. A wooden bridge through a narrow gate leads into the courtyard between the castle-farm and the actual castle, with its high and mighty Tower, ""To stone has become trumpet"" In the castle there is the Academy of the craft, in the castle the Restoration School . - Keep to the right (north) through an archway and immediately turn left on Castle Lake and west to the zoo. The area of today's zoo is located since 1585 in the possession of the family of reichsfreiherrlichen Landsberg-Velen, and the current owner will take care of in an exemplary manner to this ""garden of Europe"". At the next pond (with Marie Island) by up to the ""long pond"". followed by a fence along the pond and at the end of the long look back to the castle - the tower is reflected symmetrically in the water. About a small stream further west from the nearest pond, the Otto-pond. Then between trout and the old mill pond through Forsthaus over to the ruins of the old water mill. Turn left (turn south) and after a while turn left through a gate eastward travel. Gone is that to the historic stockade fence (border of the zoo) to one left over soft deciduous forest floor to the artesian ""Wellbrook source"" again. Romantic is here pressed bubbly by natural forces the water upward. Atmospheric and usually a peaceful experience. From the source back to the trail and continue north to the next gate. There, turn left and soon the right towards Parking Nature Centre. Before you see right and left of the built-mystical culture of schoolchildren wild forest. Very imaginative and very, very well done. At the car park turn left and at the Nature Centre (Hohe Mark) over to the castle receive, turn left at the Schloßgräfte right and on the asphalt just south and east onward soon. Soon you get the entire castle panorama on the left. After a few hundred meters left again to the initial parking."

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