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Craster to Low Newton by the sea, Circular

Uploaded by captpogwash on Sep 27, 2011
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 311.68 ft
Distance: 12.10km, 7.52 miles.   (34)

0mi0.5mi1mi1.5mi2mi2.5mi3mi3.5mi4mi4.5mi5mi5.5mi6mi6.5mi7mi7.5miDistance (7.52mi)0ft16ft33ft49ft66ft82ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

A nice gentle walk visiting Dunstanburgh Castle, Embleton Bay . most of which you can walk along the beach following the sand dunes, once you get to Low Newton by the sea there is "The Ship Inn" where there is a great choice of food and drink to choose from. Once refreshed etc.. just reverse the route back. How to get there Travelling north turn off the A1 Alnwick Bypass onto the coastal route B1340 through Denwick. Leave the B1340 at next junction taking the right fork and then turn almost immediately left at the next junction, this only a few yards. Then follow the signs straight down to Craster. Being careful of the crossroads with the B1339. The car park is on the right as you turn into the village. Length 6.5 Miles

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