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Uploaded by larco37 on Mar 16, 2013
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 1,489.50 ft
Distance: 34.15km, 21.22 miles.   (7)

About trip

**This is a sample Rough Ride Guide- more mountain biking routes can be downloaded on your iPhone, through your OutDoors App.** distance(km): 33.8 climbing(m): 545 difficulty: easy / hard This ride offers a wide choice of distances, and isn’t too technical so should be suitable for all abilities, and only really gets a hard rating for the extension, which adds some distance, with no real option of bailing out if you get tired. Tough going in the wet and some sections can get quite overgrown. 1. START. Turn R on the rd and immediately L on a BW (SDW), 0.1km to a X-rd (SU 527/277) and turn L. Bears L, UH, becoming a DT, to a T-J (530/274) by a big green container. Turn R on the DT, for 0.55km (0.35m) then L on a (easy to miss) BW (530/269). 2 1km (0.6m), DH, to the edge of a wood and turn L on a BW (534/262), UH, past an old yellow container, DH. Keep SA over a track, UH, 1km (0.6m) to a rd (549/256), SA over this, through a gate then immediately R (no SP). 3 After 0.7km (0.45m) bear L at a slight clearing (grassy DT, SA) (546/251) back into the trees. 1km (0.6m), DH, to a rd (548/243) and turn L on this for 1.8km (1.1m) to a Xrds. Go SA on a stony track into the trees, UH, DH, to a big X-rds (563/260) in open, and go R or see the shortcut. 4 0.5km (0.3m), UH, to a rd and go SA/R on this for 1km (0.6m) to a T-J. Go R, to a X-rds (569/245) and go L on the rd for 1.2km (0.75m) then R as the rd bears L, to Wind farm (579/241). On SDW, through the farm, for 1.1km (0.7m) to another farm and go L then R, on SDW, to a rd. 5 Keep SA/R on the rd for 0.3km (0.2m) then turn L by the parking area, on a (temporary SDW route for cyclists) BW (598/227). Through 2 gates into a grassy field and turn R shortly on a DT, through a silver gate and then L, DH, on a stoney DT, to a rd (612/233). 6 Turn R on the rd, 1km (0.6m) to a T-J with the main rd in Wanford (621/231). Turn L for 0.15km then L on a rd before the bridge, to Warnford, or see extension. 7 Exit the village after 0.8km (0.5m) and turn L (626/237) on a ROW, SA for 1.95km (1.2m) to a fork. Bear L to a rd and go L on this, then immediately R on ROW (615/252) 8 After 0.65km (0.4m) keep SA/R as join driveway. After 1km (0.65m) turn L on a BW just before a rd (606/ 266). 0.9km (0.55m) to a rd and go SA on the BW, 1km (0.6m) to corner of a rd (589/273), and turn R, to the A272. 9 Go SA for 0.25km (0.15m) then keep SA on the BW as the rd bears L, to a X-tracks (589/283). Go SA, 0.3km (0.2m) to a fork and keep SA/L, to a rd and go SA on the BW. 0.55km (0.35m), under elec. cables, bear L at a fork, for 0.3km, then L again on Wayfarers Walk BW (585/299) 10 DH, along the fields edge, to a rd (580/297) and go SA on the rd opposite (Tichbourne). After 1.3km (0.8m) keep SA on a wide DT BW as the rd bears R into the village, by a farm (571/301). 11 Follow this BW for 2.4km (1.5m) to a T-J and turn R, through a gate and bear L to a (DT) T-J by a barn (555/ 279). Turn R on the DT, to a rd, and go SA on the BW for 1.8km (1.1m) to some X-tracks (537/289). 12 Turn L on the SDW, UH for 1.6km (1m) to A272 rd and turn L, then L again back into the car park (529/277).

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