Route "The Wrekin" - Route Builder
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The Wrekin

Uploaded by Hamconway on May 08, 2013
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 1,856.96 ft
Distance: 13.82km, 8.58 miles.   (4)

0.5mi1mi1.5mi2mi2.5mi3mi3.5mi4mi4.5mi5mi5.5mi6mi6.5mi7mi7.5mi8mi8.5miDistance (8.58mi)0ft328ft656ft984ft1312ft1640ftElevation (ft)

About trip

This walk is probably the most well known in all of Shropshire and possibly the most popular walk for miles around or part of it at least. The Wrekin is a very famous hill and affectionately loved by the local population as well as travellers from further afield, particularly the Birmingham area. When Steve and I visited on a midweek day in September 2012 the car parking lay-bys were already short of spaces and when we finished the pay car park was also quite full which testified to the Wrekin's popularity. The hill is one of fable but more about that on the walk.

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