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ladybower reservoir Yorkshire

Uploaded by Aaminah28 on May 20, 2013
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 449.48 ft
Distance: 8.59km, 5.34 miles.   (16)

About trip

An easy and pleasant walk from the visitors centre (Fairholmes SK172893) at Ladybower reservoir following the west footpath upto Upper Derwent reservoir and then onto Howden reservoir terminating at the bus stop at Kings Tree (SK167938). There is a "hail and ride" bus service from the visitor centre to Kings Tree. You can take a leisurely walk to Kings Tree and get the bus back or carry on and circumnavigate the reservoirs. From Oct until Easter it runs on Sunday only and from Easter until Sept 30th the bus starts at 0935 with the last bas from Kings Tree at 1730. The first bus of the days leaves Bamford railway station at 0920 and leaves Kings Tree at 1745 arriving back at the railway station at 1800. Adult single is £2.00 and return is £3.00. Children under 14 are half price.

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