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Uploaded by Craig_o on Aug 22, 2020
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking
Total climb: 688.42 ft
Distance: 17.07km, 10.61 miles.   (1)

About trip

More information on Openstreetmap.
Inspired by OSM.

Roads help
Appropriateness as Cycle route: 0 comment
Also appropriate as MTB route: 7
Paved: Paved (80.19% - 14 km unpaved)
Cycleways: cycleways (81.59% - 14 km cycleways)
Traffic load: traffic (low traffic)
Noise pollution: noise

Landscape Characteristics help
Nature landscape: nature
Urbanized area: urban
Near water: water

Dominant direction(gdir) help
dir:41% dir:17% dir:10% dir:28%

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