HASLEMERE (1)-2020-10-07(1)
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on Oct 08, 2020
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: Other
Total climb:
3,097.51 ft
Distance: 49.68km, 30.87 miles.
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About trip
distance(km): 42.8 climbing(m): 935 difficulty: hard A tough, but great ride, on some lovely single track, through lots of fantastic woods. This area is often over looked by riders, but it does offer some great riding and superb views and terrain, that you probably wouldn't’ expect in Surrey. Harder going in winter, but the trees do well at soaking up the worst. 1 START. Go north across the grass, to a BW, and turn L on this, for 0.8km (0.5m), to a X-tracks (SU887/364), and turn L on a BW, or see extension. Go past a car park, joining a drive, to the A287 rd (885/362) and turn R on this rd. After 1.6km (1m), turn L on a ByW (870/364), after the shops, DH, for 0.8km (0.5m) to a rd (866/358). Turn R on this for 0.25km (0.15m) to a fork and bear L (Whitmoor vale), UH, for 0.25km (0.15m) then turn L on a ByW (861/359). 0.5km (0.3m), UH, along the edge of the woods, to a rd, and turn L on this to a T-J with the B3002. Turn R on this for 0.1km then turn L on a BW to Ludshott common, for 0.3km (0.2m) to a X-tracks (854/355). 2 Turn L, for 0.3km (0.2m) then turn R (857/353) on a BW. Keep SA on this for 1.3km (0.8m) (SA at some Xtracks, for another 0.15km), to a fork (847/349). Bear R (847/346). 0.7km (0.45m)_to another fork and bear L, which becomes a ByW, for 0.9km (0.55m) to a rd (833/347). Turn L on this (Gentles lane) rd, for 0.65km (0.4m), DH, to a T-J (829/342), and turn R. Keep L, through Passfield on Passfield rd, to the B3004 rd, and go SA on a track, then immediately L on a BW (820/336). Through some woods, joining a rd in Conford, for 0.1km then turn R on a BW (823/330), back into the woods. 3 Over a footbridge, UH, on the (main track) BW, for 0.9km (0.55m) to a bridge over the A3 (821/322).Into the wood, to a rd, by a gate. Turn L on the rd for 0.15km then turn R on a ByW (824/318) (Campsite & hotel), to a 3-way junction. Take the central BW, UH, bearing L into the woods, and keep SA over some X-tracks, joining a track. Keep SA at the end of the track, on the BW, to a fork (818/304), and bear R. Keep SA on this for 1km (0.65m) along the edge of the woods, to a X-tracks (812/297), and turn sharp L on the Sussex Border Path (SBP). 4 Follow the SBP, bearing R at the tarmac after 0.15m, past a lake on the LHS, for 0.8km (0.5m) to a fork (just past Home park estate on the R). Bear L, leaving the SBP which goes R), on a ST BW, which joins a rd, and bears R, over the railway, to the B2020 rd. Cross the rd and turn R on a BW, along the golf course, to a X-tracks (832/292). Turn L, on the SBP for 1.95km (1.2m) to a 3-way rd junction, and go SA then immediately R (847/305)on the SBP. 1.3km (0.8m) to some X-tracks (858/306) and turn L on a BW (the SBP, SA is a FP). 0.65km (0.4m) to a house (857/ 312), and turn R, back on the Sussex Border Path. 5 Keep SA on the (grassy) SBP at a X-tracks R into the woods, for 0.15km then L following the fence to a rd (866/313). Turn R on the rd for 0.3km (0.2m) then turn L on Linchmere rd, then immediately R at a fork, on the SBP (868/311). After 1.2km (0.75m), join a drive, bear L at the fork (880/312), (leaving the SBP), on a BW, to a rd (884/313). Go SA on a BW, into the woods, for 0.9km (0.55m) (rejoins the SBP) to a fork (892/314) and turn R on a ST BW, leaving the SBP. Along the hill, then DH to the A286 rd, and turn R on this, UH, for 0.55km (0.35m), then turn L on a BW, (895/305) on Hatch lane. 6 Keep SA/L on the BW, for 0.8km (0.5m) to a T-J (with a FP) and turn L on the BW. 0.4km (0.25m), to the side of a house, to a T-J, and turn L. UH, on this ByW for 0.25km (0.15m), to a (track) T-J (906/300). Turn R and follow the BW for 1.3km (0.8m) to a fork and bear R, joining a track and bearing L on this, to a rd (914/289). NOTE: There are a lot more trails in Black Down, than the map shows. Go SA (on the LHS) BW, going steeply UH, to a view point (919/292). Head north, along the ridge, joining the SBP after 1.2km (0.75m) and turn R on this, and follow it, past a couple of car parks, and bearing R, steeply DH on a ST, to a rd (927/304). 7 Turn L on the rd for 0.5km (0.3m) to a fork and bear R, DH, on Jays lane, for 0.4km (0.25m) then turn L on a BW (931/311). Follow this BW for 1km (0.65m) through woods and a stream, joining a track and keep SA, to a rd (933/321). Go SA on the BW opposite, UH, along the field edge, to a tarmac track and turn L on this, to a rd. Turn R on the rd for 0.25km (0.15m) then turn L on a BW (drive) (933/329), and keep SA on the BW, by a big house (Furnace place). After 0.55km (0.35m) past some ponds, to a junction and keep SA, through farm, UH, to top, then DH, to a rd (918/337). 8 Turn R on the rd, for 0.55km (0.35m) to a fork and bear L (Grayswood), for 0.5km (0.3m) to the A286 rd. Turn R on this for 0.15km (0.1m) then L on a BW (917/348), after the church. UH, for 0.5km (0.3m) (under a railway bridge) to a T-J (914/350) and turn L on the BW, UH, for 1km (0.6m) to a T-J in the woods (907/351). Turn R on the BW (forest track), and keep SA on this BW, UH, bearing L at a (BW) fork, to a X-tracks (900/358) with a ByW. Turn L, UH, to a X-tracks with the Greensands way, and go SA on the ByW. Keep SA on this ByW, for 0.8km (0.5m) parallel with, then to the A3 rd, and (carefully) cross this rd, back to the car park (890/357).