Netherthong Circular via Slate Pits Wood, Honley Wood, Oldfield back to Netherthong
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on Oct 11, 2020
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: walking
Total climb:
719.00 ft
Distance: 9.02km, 5.61 miles.
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About trip
Netherthong Circular via Wolfstone heights, Manor House (on Moor Lane), along Greave Dyke down to Slate Pits Wood, Honley Wood. Along the reservoir then left to Honley Wood. Either go into the wood following Meltham Way or alternately follow the fields to the right of the wood until reaching Hassocks Lane. Then turn right crossing 70 Acres fields yo Meltham Road. Cross the road and take the path across Honley Moor. Cross Bradshaw Road to Oldfield and then back to Netherthong