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Glen Affric

Uploaded by The Great OutDoors on Jan 17, 2014
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Hike
Total climb: 1,118.34 ft Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 12.53km, 7.78 miles.   (2)

0mi0.5mi1mi1.5mi2mi2.5mi3mi3.5mi4mi4.5mi5mi5.5mi6mi6.5mi7mi7.5miDistance (7.78mi)0ft164ft328ft492ft656ft820ft984ft1148ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

Glen Affric is renowned for the glory of its woodlands, which blend with lochs and rugged hills to offer a delightfully classic view of Scotland. indeed, the Glen
inspired many Victorian artists, including Landseer, who painted "Monarch of the Glen” here. For some this is ”the most beautiful glen in Scotland”. The great news is that you do not need to be an epic walker to appreciate the beauty of this landscape. The Coire Loch walk is waymarked from the car park and takes an initial diversion to the pretty Dog Falls. It
then returns to the main Coire Loch route to climb steeply up through the woods on a good path. It's also worth driving further down the glen, past Loch Beinn a’ Mheadhoin, to the far car park where a 10-minute walk along the Am Meallan trail takes you to a superb viewpoint.

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