Wakefield to Halton via Woodlesford and Temple Newsam
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on Feb 03, 2014
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: Gentle Walk
Distance: 22.41km, 13.93 miles.
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A relatively level route that follows the River Calder out of Wakefield then the Aire & Calder Canal, Kirkthorpe Weir, Sourhern Washland crossing the aqueduct at Stanley Ferry. Then follow Naggers Way, trans Pennine trail to Bottomboat and onto old railway. Then locate footpath to Oulton over Newmarket Lane & M62 , A639 to Canal at Woodlesford. Next go past Leventhorpe Vineyard & climb up and over M1 to enter Temple Newsam estate. Leave to walk to Halton to catch bus on Selby Road, the A63.