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Quantocks Best of British Singletrack MTB circuit - MBR May '14

Uploaded by danbarcs on Aug 31, 2014
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Mountain Bike Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 27.17km, 16.88 miles.   (2)

About trip

With an early start and healthy pair of legs you can easily get round all of the Quantock Hills’ finest trails in a day. There are few classic UK riding spots that give up all their riches so easily.

This route ticks off almost all of the classics. Alongside the plentiful flowing, natural singletrack, we’ve given you the option to test yourself on some seriously technical descents. Triscombe, at the southern end of the Quantocks, boasts a multitude of challenging downhill runs accessed by a steady fire-road climb.

Start the ride from Great Wood and climb up onto the ridge via Ram’s Combe. Head north along the ridge and look out for the first descent into Hodder’s Combe. Another combe — Lady’s Edge — brings you back up onto the ridge, and straight into the next descent, Weacombe Combe.

Your legs will probably be feeling the strain by the time you’ve climbed back up to Bicknoller Post, but you’ll have a chance to recuperate on the long traverse to Dead Woman’s Ditch.

If it’s dry, by all means tack on a short loop along the bridleway at Great Bear, if not, continue across to Triscombe Stone. It’s here that the downhill trails fan out across the forested valley. Just pick one and go for it as they’re all packed with variety.

Depending on the weather and your fitness, you should be able to get at least a couple of runs in. One last climb back to Triscombe Stone and it’s all downhill back to the car via the thrilling Chimney.

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