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Arthur 2 times

Uploaded by Jasonb1973 on Jul 02, 2015
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Mountain Bike
Total climb: 2,282.81 ft Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 27.01km, 16.79 miles.   (7)

About trip

Symbol SP Description Car Park opposite church. Turn right out of car park and bear right at immediate junction. Turn left uphill. Straight over Crossroads. Through final gate, turn left onto road. Over cattle grid, downhill to bridleway on right. Follow track, take left fork downhill. Turn left onto road. Bear right on corner, onto bridleway carry on through gate out of woodland. Follow track through several gates. Through final gate, turn right, continue through gates until track turns to road. Turn right uphill, bear right at top of short climb. Bear left onto bridleway. Turn left at junction with road and right at the next 2 T- junctions. At top of climb bear right into forest car park and through gate. Take the 3rd track from the left down forest road. Turn left at bottom of track and continue back to road. Head up tarmac road, around S-bends and double back right onto path. Bear left at crest of hill before house. Rejoin earlier path and begin to retrace steps back to start point. Distance (Km) 0.35 1.25 3.8 4.75 6.0 8.15 8.8 12.75 14.95 15.9 17.5 20.3 20.5 22.0 23.4 23.8 24.85

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