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Birks of Aberfeldy Circular

Uploaded by John McAra on Sep 02, 2021
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking Difficulty: Tough
Distance: 5.52km, 3.43 miles.   (0)

0mi0.25mi0.5mi0.75mi1mi1.25mi1.5mi1.75mi2mi2.25mi2.5mi2.75mi3mi3.25miDistance (3.43mi)0ft164ft328ft492ft656ft820ft984ft1148ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

Walk from Aberfeldy Main St up to the top of the Birks of Aberfeldy*, using the steeper (with more steps) west side to ascend, returning by the less challenging east side.  

Paths are well formed with lots of stairways. Despite the short length this is a rather challenging climb.

* The Birks are a series of tree lined, scenic waterfalls that flow steeply down from the high moors and through a narrow gorge into the town of Aberfeldy and on to the River Tay.

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