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Threlkeld to Keswick on the old Railway Path

Uploaded by albaxter on Sep 17, 2015
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Other
Total climb: 380.58 ft
Distance: 6.99km, 4.34 miles.   (2)

0mi0.25mi0.5mi0.75mi1mi1.25mi1.5mi1.75mi2mi2.25mi2.5mi2.75mi3mi3.25mi3.5mi3.75mi4mi4.25miDistance (4.34mi)0ft82ft164ft246ft328ft410ft492ft574ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

A gentle stroll along the path of an old railway line which has many intersting features including Victorian iron bridges and short tunnels. This walk follows a valley through some very pretty scenery. It also forms part of the Coast to Coast Cycle route.

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