Danebridge-DVW- Roach End-Hanging Stone 22/03/2022, 09:35:31
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on Mar 22, 2022
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: walking
Total climb:
1,232.97 ft
Distance: 9.34km, 5.80 miles.
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About trip
Total Climb = 745ft, 227m
Distance: 6.5 mile circular.
From Danebridge it is a steady gradient to Gradbach, followed by an 800m steepish climb through the woods and on to Roach End. The return is an undulating ridge walk past Hanging Rock.
Walk start point :- Danebridge Wincle, post code SK110QE (adjacent to the Wincle Beer Company Ltd)
Parking is on the roadside at Danebridge.