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Uploaded by peter_rowse@hotmail.com on Sep 30, 2023
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking
Total climb: 168.21 ft Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 4.01km, 2.49 miles.   (0)

About trip

Parking at Wadenhoe village Hall, on Church Street, passed the Pub "Kings Head". 

To start walk, go back up Church Street and at the top turn right into Mill Lane

Go all the way down Mill Lane to the river and over the foot bridge.

Follow official path and head towards second bridge.

After bridge follow short path straight up and turn left into the first field towards the Church. Cross field diagonally and go into Church Yard and out the other side onto a lane with a house on your right.

Stay on the lane for only a few steps and turn left into the woods, where signposted "Lilford", follow the Nene way markers.

go through woods stay on main path, which will turn left and down a couple of steps.

Go along side a house and then pop out onto the road (small lane).

Turn left into lane and follow lane over 2 bridges. Watch cars!

After second bridge, see sign post on your left to diagonally cross the field.

Cross two fields with style in the middle and then join road/lane again.

Turn left into lane and follow back into Wadenhoe. 

In Wadenhoe turn left and then right into Church Street for Car park, passed the Pub or in the Pub!!!

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