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River - Isla: Keith to Rothiemay

Uploaded by 00joho00 on Nov 19, 2017
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Canoe/Kayak
Total climb: 221.78 ft Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 16.93km, 10.52 miles.   (13)

About trip

River: Isla & Deveron: Keith to Rothiemay. http://outdoorsgps.com/…/544851_river-isla-keith-to-rothiem…

Distance: About 11 Miles 
Time: up to 2.5 hours on the water moving time (add one hour for play and lunch) ' low levels
Shuttle: 9 miles one way, 15min (30 min; 18mile shuttle at start) Meet at put in , leave cars at takeout. 
Description: @0.400 sepa (min to be passable) slow and meandering river G1 & G2 , no rapids on the Isla, shallow in places at above levels, sharp bends care required. Deep and steep sided banks, fills up very quickly can be pushy with no eddies at higher levels extra care around tight bends. Deveron @ Rothiemay 2 x G2 Rapids, weir at the hydro screw and main rapid under bridge. 

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