Walk from the Leather’s Smithy through the Forest to Tegg’s Nose
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on Jun 09, 2018
Region: United Kingdom
Route type: Other
Distance: 6.91km, 4.29 miles.
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About trip
The walk starts and ends at the Leather’s Smithy pub, which may be found a short distance beyond the village of Langley. The Leather’s Smithy has a warm inviting interior with real fires to welcome the visitor, a stone flagged bar area, a carpeted lounge area, and a family room. The menu is extensive and varied, from a single sandwich to a Lobster Thermadore, followed by delicious sweets and coffee. There is usually a good selection of real ales available.
By car, take the A523 Leek road south out of Macclesfield. Turn left at traffic lights and follow the signs to Langley, bearing left after going under the canal. Bear left again at the church, following Main Road then Clarke Lane. After a short distance uphill past Bottoms reservoir, the Leather’s Smithy is on the left. There is car parking available adjacent to Ridgegate reservoir just beyond the Leather’s Smithy.
From the Leather’s Smithy, you start off along the lane adjacent to the Forest. Macclesfield Forest was once one of three Royal hunting forests in Cheshire, but today is managed by United Utilities. Soon the walk follows paths through the Forest, and emerges from the forest to follow Hacked Way Lane downhill past Clough House Farm. Soon you reach Saddler’s Way, an old packhorse route that would probably have been used to take salt to Buxton. Saddler’s Way leads up to the car park and Visitor Centre for Tegg’s Nose